Vol. 33 No. 2 (2009)
Research articles

The ecclesiastical law of the state of chile in the bicentenary: achievements and difficulties

Carlos Salinas Araneda
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

How to Cite

Salinas Araneda, C. (2010). The ecclesiastical law of the state of chile in the bicentenary: achievements and difficulties. Revista De Derecho - Pontificia Universidad Católica De Valparaíso, 33(2). Retrieved from https://www.rdpucv.cl/index.php/rderecho/article/view/717


This work presents an analysis of the most relevant aspects of the ecclesiastical law of the State of Chile, at the time celebrations of the 200 years of independent life begin: the Law of religious entities, which has been in force for 10 years; the civil acknowledgement of the religious marriage; the national Office of religious matters; the new religious holidays; legal rulings in lawsuits about matters linked to the religious scope and any conflictive situation, such as the impossibility of the confessor to render statement as a witness in a criminal lawsuit, when released from the confession decree by the penitent; in general, noticing a deterioration of the legislative treatment of religious matters.